Correction - updated links to reports.
The study for the Markham Rd corridor spanning from 16th Avenue to Major Mackenzie commenced in 2019 with the aim to provide policy recommendations and to help guide development along this corridor.
Our first emerging demonstration plan on December 15th 2020 provided the following vision and guiding principles:
90 hectares of area
13,500 Residents
14,500 Jobs
7 public parks (not able to locate number of hectares)
2 pedestrian bridges
1 multi-use-path 2.5 km
One new Elementary School
July11th 2022 a revised demonstration plan was received which revised the following items;
Increased the area to 97 hectares
Increased population to 28,000 residents
Decreased the number of jobs to 8,000
and 10 hectares of parkland.
During this time the city received a number of applications from developers to build in this area, some of these projects have started and some applicants are waiting on the Secondary Plan to be adopted.
The final report that we will be discussing on Tuesday, has increased the population to a minimum of 33,000 residents
Jobs have decreased to 6,000
Two new schools are being recommended
and 9.8 hectares of park land - 9 parks
The Provincial Growth Plan and the York Region Official plan requires a minimum of 200 people and jobs per hectare.The MRMJ Secondary Plan is recommending 400 people and jobs per hectare. Double the amount of density that is required in a Major Transit Station Area. The recommended density isn't essential to reach the city's growth targets. Our planned growth in designated intensification areas and undeveloped low-rise areas will far exceed our targets up to 2051.
The Secondary Plan provides an opportunity to transform Markham Rd into a more attractive, vibrant and pedestrian friendly street with additional green spaces and public squares, and while I support the overall policies in the secondary plan study report and the vision that has emerged, I have serious concerns over the density being proposed.
Residents can email comments or attend our meeting in person or virtually to ask questions or comment on the proposal. Planning is complex, and this vision spans 25+ years, but it's important for you to know what is happening in our area and to have a chance to share your thoughts.
Please note anything highlighted in this newsletter provides a link to more information |